Saturday, October 05, 2002

So I'm wandering through MetroTown on a quest for yarn (who knew it would be so hard to find a particular colour?) and I happen past the Gap. There, in the display window, I see "The Black Pant is Back!" It was gone? Nobody told me this. Now, I realize I'm no fashionista, but I always figured black pants was the one thing you could always wear and not be horridly out of step with fashion. Those of you who've seen my grad-student wardrobe of track-pants and tee-shirts will not be unduly surprised at my lack of knowlege of current runway trends. In fact, of late I've become remarkably fond of over-sized plaid pyjama pants - those are comfy! Sure, you can't really go out and be seen in public wearing them, but for the house-bound hermit, they are perfect. And they are only made better by leopard print fuzzy slippers and a cozy sweatshirt. That, my friends, is the wardrobe of pure happiness.


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